Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Merelese or how to quickly release negative emotions

Sharing our loyal pal today I wanted to share techniques or how to release negative emotions quickly, learn how the following may be useful for us all.

This technique was discovered by Lester Levenson, and popularized by his student named Hale Dwoskin. Tehniknya very simple, just ask yourself three questions over and over again until the negative emotions loose. Although simple, but very effective and its use is very broad. For details on how the Sedona Method can read a book published by the horizon Press.

Questions are:
Can we?

Imagine or feel an emotion that you want to lose. For example, anxiety. Then ...

1. Ask yourself, "Could I let go of this anxiety?

Whatever the answer is either yes or no, continue on the following questions:

2. "Would I let go of this anxiety?"

3. "When?"

If you answered no to both questions, then ask these additional questions:
2a. "Am I more comfortable holding this anxiety or more convenient if it off?"
If the answer is, "Yes, more comfortable removing dong."

Then repeat the second question. "So let go of this feeling?"
Then after you agree, continue with the third question, "When?"

The core of this technique is to allow negative emotions that come, then decided to take it off. In other words guide the subconscious to want to release negative emotions that disturb us. This technique is suitable mainly for people who type auditory.

In its development, this technique also can be used to help the healing process, lose weight, improve financial etc.

Sometimes it takes several attempts, until the negative emotions that we want to eliminate it completely disappeared. There is a story of a friend who should go back and forth repeatedly asked himself for not also release negative emotions. At the time he always said no from the first two questions, and doubts on the third question. Something like this:

"Can I remove this feeling?"
"Ga can, I really hurt."

"Would I release these feelings?"
"Ga willing, this feeling would go ga!"

"To be more comfortable where, letting these feelings continue or remove it go?"
"Yes more comfortable off go dong, but it was hard!"

"If so want to release these feelings?"
"Yes way! But hard!"

"But would not it?"
"Yes way!"

"Ngg ... ga know, as soon as possible aja deh."

"Soon it when?"
"Yes this was possible now!"

"So you can take it off?"

"You want to take it off?"


And all the negative emotions we would be lost, may we live happily and successfully without negative emotions and we can live in peace and abundance.

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